Masonry Oven

In the fall of 2016 I got a call to come and install a masonry oven out here in Telkwa. It was a core unit designed and produced by Tempcast (Ontario, Canada), that you could self assemble and then face with brick and stone on-top. After much studying, conversations with engineer and builders, as well as a number of calls to the company, we finally figured it out and started building in the spring of 2017. The owner wanted it to look rustic and built from materials provided and found around property. There were 5 different kinds of brick, some brought from owners home state of Michigan with markings, and local fieldstone from surrounding area. After assembling the core unit provided by Tempcast, we then set about building custom flue connector out from unit and into box. Originally designed for 8" IR clay flue pipe out East, but not existing here in the west, so decision was made to convert to manufactured 8" IR manufactured chimney via an anchor plate sitting above fire brick box. Once chimney pipe was fitted we closed it up with masonry block to ceiling height where it then converted through heat shield to wood framed chimney upstairs and out through roof. In hindsight we recommend to go with a full masonry chimney right through the roof with damper option in chimney. This will maximise the radiant heat use before it escapes the chimney. Once the block was finished we covered it in some fun rock and brick and built a couple of arches. Throughout the whole process we interacted with our Engineer and creator of the original RSF furnaces, Mr Hans Duerichen, who was also available to help the client figure out the  "Burn Learn". A good hardwood makes a huge difference in the process, and allows you to get a good 2 hr burn. This model came with bake oven option too, and in fact there are many custom design options with this unit, such as see through doors, optional chimney positions and more. A real good learning experience and looking forward to building some more of these. Thanks Ellen and Anton.        Enjoy the pics.

Johnny Gideon